AML Data
Sanctions updates
in minutes
Sanctions and watchlist coverage monitored in real-time including OFAC, UN, HMT, EU, DFAT and many more lists from around the world.
Global Coverage
1,000s of global government regulatory and law enforcement watchlists and over 100 International and National Sanctions lists.
Among other…
- Sanctions of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
- United Nations Security Council sanctions
- Her Majesty’s Treasure List (HM)
- List of EU Consolidated Sanctions and Most Wanted EU Warnings
- Office of Industry and Security
- State Department List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations and Non-Proliferation List
- US Department of Justice (FBI, DEA, US Marshals and others)
- Interpol most wanted
- List of CBI (The Central Bureau of Investigation)
Politically Exposed Persons
PEP profiles
updated daily
Pro-actively monitor your clients and cases in our platform or plug alerts directly into your in-house systems via our API. Real-time and retrospective functionality allows you to monitor clients as you scale, around your risk appetite.
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- A politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual with a high profile political role, or who has been entrusted with a prominent public function.
- We use the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) definition of PEPs and PEP Categorisation.
- With over 5,000 structured sources used for our PEP database, our dedicated team continues with great effort to identify official government structure sources that are placed on auto-monitoring systems for changes every 30 days.
- To further ensure that we capture all anticipated PEP changes in the shortest time possible, countries with planned elections are placed on an enhanced monitoring list that undergoes daily monitoring for changes.
Adverse Media
Compliance workflow with news information
Dig deeper with easily accessible, rich adverse media coverage that analyses over 5 million articles every day.
Stay ahead with
machine learning
Don’t waste time and money working with the wrong tools. We are at the cutting edge of machine learning classification, collating all adverse information and media you need into comprehensive, structured profiles.
Be alert to changes in customer and organization risk status with automated adverse information and media monitoring.